About Us


The following Rules for using the website and providing services (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are presented in the form of a public offer, which has legal force of a publicly given promise of intention and cannot be interpreted in any other way than directly from the letter and meaning of the following. These Rules may not be amended unless authorized by the Articles of Teqra (hereinafter referred to as the Company) and are binding on both the Client (hereinafter referred to as the Client) and the Company. The Client and the Company (hereinafter referred to as the Parties) are also obliged to comply with certain clauses of these Rules even after the Parties have completed their collaboration.

1. General terms

1.1. The entry into legal force of these Rules is possible only if the Parties have voluntarily accepted these Rules in their entirety, without any reservations or exceptions, and provided that at the time of acceptance of these Rules the Client has reached the age of majority and is a delictual natural person. The Client's majority age is determined by the laws of the country of which the Client is a citizen, but this age may not be lower than 18 years in any case.

1.2. A condition of these Regulations is that the Company voluntarily assumes certain obligations.

to provide information and consulting services to the Client safely, at the appropriate professional level and qualitatively;

provide the Company's website (hereinafter referred to as the Website) baseprofx.com that works correctly in order for the Client to perform investment and other actions of commercial and other nature that are provided for by the technical and legal side of the Website.

1.3. For its part, the Client accepts these Rules as a whole, as well as all their clauses without exception, and undertakes not to interpret the condition and essence of the Rules in any arbitrary or beneficial form only for himself or herself.

2. Website use

2.1. For the purpose of cooperation between the Parties, the Company shall provide the Client with the Website. The Client undertakes to use this resource appropriately, without attempting to break its work by any actions, intentionally or accidentally.

2.2. The Company guarantees the uninterrupted operation of the Website unless such obligations cannot be fulfilled for reasons beyond its control.

2.3. The Company guarantees safe and secure storage of databases. This includes data provided by the Client during registration.

3. Registration

3.1. Having made a voluntary decision to become a Company's Client, a participant must register on the Website by providing some of his/her data during the registration process. The fact that the registration process has been completed is confirmation of the Client's acceptance of these Rules and the beginning of the collaboration between the Parties.

3.2. The Client is obliged to provide only truthful and up-to-date data upon registration. Failure to provide complete data, as well as their intentional misrepresentation, will be regarded as an attempt to prevent the Company from fulfilling its obligations to the Client.

3.3. The Company, in its turn, unconditionally accepts registration data for further processing and timely organization of full cooperation between the Parties.

Furthermore, the Company undertakes to guarantee the safe and confidential storage of the data provided by the Client, and also assumes responsibility for non-disclosure of the data provided at the time of registration by the Client and other information that may be provided in the course of cooperation between the Parties.

4. Investments

4.1. The Client confirms that the funds which he uses as investments in the Company are his or her personal funds. The Client is entitled to make any number of deposits for any investment plan from those investment proposals that are relevant at the moment of investment.

4.2. The Client agrees that any deposit made with the Company of any nominal value cannot be prematurely withdrawn under any circumstances. The investment funds invested by the Client in the Company may only be returned to the Client if the conditions of return of the deposit principal of the investment plan on which the Client made the deposit are met.

5. Profit

5.1. The Company guarantees the timely accrual of profits on deposits made by the Client and undertakes to ensure that such profits are continuously accrual in the form of interest accrual on deposits at the interval specified in an investment proposal, depending on the investment plan for which the deposits were made. Profits in the form of interest accrued on deposits are credited on working days (except weekends and public holidays) at 24-hour intervals from the date of activation of the particular deposit. Or from the moment when the Client creates the deposit, the first working day will come. The Company undertakes to calculate profit on the balance of the Client's account and the Client, in his/her turn, undertakes to withdraw the accrued profit to his/her electronic wallet depending on the method of investment and the electronic payment system used for depositing funds in the Company.

5.2. The Company undertakes to make immediate accruals to the Client's account balance of the profit received by the Client from the deposits made by his or her referrals, which also becomes immediately available for withdrawal.

5.3. The Client has the right to convert the funds placed in his or her account balance.

5.4. The Company has the right to levy 3% of the amount convertible by the Client.

6. Risk statement

6.1. If circumstances beyond the Company's control arise which would make it impossible for the Company to carry out further investment activities, as well as in the case of standard force majeure circumstances, the process of cooperation between the Parties shall be deemed completed and the funds that may be invested shall be subject to a reasonable return, on condition that this procedure does not contradict the conditions of occurrence and course of force majeure.

Any claims, inquiries, and compensation claims cannot be considered by the Parties in this case.

6.2. The Client voluntarily agrees to the unconditional performance and observance of Clause 6.1 and undertakes to keep the commercial details of the interaction between the Parties confidential indefinitely, as well as the Company.

7. Dispute resolution

7.1. In cases where there are disputes or disagreements between the Client and the Company, the resolution of such disputes shall be carried out privately, only through bilateral negotiations between the Parties, without interference in the negotiation process of third parties. This negotiation process is conducted until the situation is fully resolved in a productive manner.

If the outcome of the negotiations is not reached, the dispute may be considered by the enroller on the territory of united states.

8. Copyright

8.1. All Website content, which includes graphic, text, or any other information, as well as video and other media content, is the exclusive intellectual property of the Company, which is protected by copyright. The use of links to this content, any references, verbatim or partial quotations of the content, reposting of text fragments in any volume, posting of video, audio, or text fragments on the Internet, as well as reselling in general, must be accompanied by the corresponding comments in a form that provides comprehensive information about the owner of the intellectual property rights.

8.2. Partial copying or full copying of the Company's materials protected by Copyright for further commercial use is only permitted with the prior agreement of all the nuances of such use with authorized representatives of the Company.

9. Responsibility

9.1. In case of non-compliance, non-fulfillment or neglect of consequences, as well as in cases when the Client assumes the functions of an expert in assessing the conditions of these Rules, giving non-existent meaning and content to this document, the Company has the right to suspend the process of interaction between the Parties without prior notice. In such case, the process of returning the investment funds as well as the restoration of the Client's account is impossible without additional consultations and claim withdrawal on the part of the Company.

9.2. A refusal to accept or disagree with these Rules shall be the basis for refusing to initiate the process of interaction between the Parties. If you do not accept these Rules, please do not register personal account on the Company's website.